WB Manufacturing LLC
What We Do
WB Manufacturing is a Midwest-based furniture company offering top-quality, customizable solutions for various spaces including educational environments, commercial, fitness centers and industrial businesses. Our extensive product line includes desks, student tables, science workstations, cabinets, tote storage and so much more!
With a focus on flexibility and innovation, our design team is dedicated to catering to your specific needs and requirements. Whether it's STEAM rooms, classrooms, media centers, locker rooms or administrative offices, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
We have an exciting new line-up of products this year including the 4-Legged and Cantilever Sconnie Chairs! Protect your walls and tables from damage with the chair’s “wall-saver” design, while offering students the luxury of four-position seating.
We have also released our new LEET™ Esports collection, designed with the ultimate gaming experience in mind! This collection features our ELO® Slinger Desk, Command Hub and Marathon Desk.
Visit us at booth #747 to explore more of our latest products and learn how we can transform your space into an innovative learning environment.
Categories (8)
Chairs, Classroom, Library, Office, Science, Tables
Thorp, WI
United States


Reading Fort 297
Reading Fort
7 Tips To Create a Cozy Reading Nook 296
7 Tips To Create a Cozy Reading Nook

